18 December 2010


As most of you know our Christmas season begins every year with the opening of the scout tree sales lot the day after thanksgiving. Hard work...
 We have been up and running all season, and sales are a bit slow this year, but we are optimistic as always. We had some bad weather this year.
 Of course our family did their part and chose our trees early. The kids always enjoy picking a tree and getting it home. We always have two!
 This year Aaron helped clip, trim and get the trees in the stands. Skills he perfected on the lot with the scouts, helping customers.
 Rachel is excellent at making sure that lights and ornaments are evenly spaced and carefully placed. She always enjoys digging out the old ornaments and recalling previous years, when she was little.
 Noah is getting big enough to really be a lot of help. he especially loves our oddball ornaments from Star Trek, Star Wars and other TV and movie sources.
 And of course Christmas Eve! This year she wore a costume as part of the church Christmas celebration. She was Granny's helper for the nativity story.
 Granny always takes a special interest in the smaller tree we place in the front room. This tree is for visitors and guests and is seen from the front windows of our home so it must be just right.
The family tree, in the den, is always a bit bigger and gets lots of space for gifts under it. The frasier fir is always very fragrant throughout the whole season.
 Our tree trimming crew! The grandchildren (and those 2 people they live with) are the best "deck the halls" crew anyone ever had. Thanks guys!!
 Even Uncle Denny has the Christmas spirit. The center has a nice tree in each class area, and Denny likes to wear his Christmas tree sweatshirt to school on cold days. Once again this year the sheriff's department delivered holiday gift bags to the center for everyone. It's a long standing tradition that we all love.
 So, with the trees in place and decorated. and the decorations in place. we put a fire in the fireplace and settled in to relax and enjoy the holidays.
From all of us, to all of you...


CShore said...

Tree (and family) looks great!

Lisa Lee said...

Merry Christmas from the Lees. Love seeing all the pictures, esp the Christmas Wreath.

Lisa Lee said...

Merry Christmas from the Lees. Love seeing all the pictures, esp the Christmas Wreath.

Sue said...

Honey, I love the photos. THis has been a wonderful Christmas season.

Jen said...

Wonderful pictures! It makes me miss all of you that much more.