20 March 2011


Our weekend started with great weather; Clear blue skies and wonderful warm temperatures. We enjoyed a quiet and spring-like Friday evening and then woke to a delicious Saturday morning...
 Eve decided that we had not made breakfast at home in a while so she took on the task all by herself. The photo shows a little bit of the pancake mixing, but she made bacon, grits and toast as well. All said and done our little cook prepared a wonderful meal for about nine hungry people. Well done Eve!!
 Noah (pictured with his new glasses) went with me to take care of some things on Saturday and we took the JEEP with the top down. We delivered some paperwork to the tax folks, picked up some light bulbs and other necessities at HD and then on to Ace Hardware to choose Noah's first multi-tool for camping. We didn't find the exact one he wanted, but we did get one that will do for now.
  Since the weather was so nice, and we had some time, I took Aaron over to the big church parking lot to practice his driving. He is doing real well with his focus and attention to detail and really doing great with his learning to drive with a clutch. We cruised all over Holy Cross parking lot and did some parking and backup practice. I was confident enough to let Aaron drive all the way back home and he did great.
I missed the chance to get a photo, so I used this one from last time. As usual, Alice kept Denny calm and happy while she clipped and combed his hair into a nice, neat job. Our man looked nice and will be cool for the upcoming warm weather. Thanks again Alice.
 I just like to share a little bit of our life now and again so y'all can keep up with us. Denny is doing great with his new travel arrangements and all of us are well.
 So, until next time, I'll be seein' ya'...


Victoria said...

Eve finished her right up for her teacher about "Joey's" trip to your house this weekend. The weather was beautiful, indeed.

Katie said...

Sounds like things are going well... You can send Eve over any time to cook breakfast for us. Bryan usually takes care of that, but I'm sure he'd be fine with someone taking over every once in a while!! :-)

Sue said...

It was a lovely weekend and so much fun to share with the munchkins. Denny is indeed handsome with his new haircut.

Eve tagged along to a baby shower with me and she found out how much fun they are. We also went to the Hallmark store. She is a good shopping companion.