12 June 2010


  That's what the sign says now, but earlier this morning Eve helped Grampa' get ready for the donors by updating the info. As always, Eve was a big helper and got all of us through the donation process in good shape.
As donors arrived the blood began to flow, and lots of people showed up.
Senior Patrol Leaders from the scouts and    
...little brothers from the next county. We even had some mountain men
...and wonderful friends from childhood.
There was even an old scoutmaster donating...
Thank you all for your help, because of you our drive was a success.
 I got to take all the "girls" for Cuban food. We had a lot of fun and we were all able to replenish ourselves after giving blood.
 Then, back to the house to relax for a while and avoid any strenuous activity.
A while back we discovered that we had a mulberry tree in our yard. I had not realized it until I built a storage rack for all the canoes for the scout troop. Torie and Lani decided to collect some of the berry's, and of course I was drafted to help. Eve climbed to the top of the ladder, I followed and kept thinks steady and safe, and the "zany twins" collected the low hanging fruit. I am hoping for some preserves later this summer; in case anyone is interested.
 Between greeting visitors at the bloodmobile and guiding people to the scout hut for snacks and restroom breaks, Eve and Grampa' hiked around the lake. We "stopped to smell the flowers"... 
and visit with the new ducklings.
It was a great day. Helping others and spending time with the grandkids is very rewarding. I hope some of you will consider giving blood or volunteering in some way in your neighborhood.
 It's saturday night, and the kids are gearing up for the latest Dr. Who series. So...
 Until next time; I'll be seein' ya'...


Peggie said...

Great Blog!!!! I'm glad you had a successful blood drive. For the record I just want to say that I'm sorry I wasn't there to give blood. But also, for the record, even if I was there I wouldn't give blood. They won't take mine anyway!! So, if you have one sibling who lives too far away to give blood, I guess it's a good thing that it's the one they won't take from anyway, right!!

Looks like a fun way to wind down a busy day: picking berries and watching TV with the grands!!

Life is sweet!!

Victoria said...

It was a great day! I'm glad I got to give blood, hang out with everybody and it Cuban food! Thanks'

Dottie O said...

Nice pictures Cuz. You are very witty but consider the source. Your Dad cracks me up! I think back to some zany/witty wise cracks he came up with and laugh. Nan isn't bad either! When I first looked at the tree picture, it made me think of the treehouse in Syracuse. You need a monorail :)